The current “final” goal can be divided into two parts:

**”**Identification techniques of operational vibration modes with MotionScope assisted by stereoscopy”

From the beginning, I’ve been focusing on the “assisted by stereoscopy” to create a 3D representation from 2D images. The 3D representation is essential for easier visualization of the magnified motion of the objects.

Initial question: How can we create a 3D representation from 2D images?

1 - Stereo-based techniques (including multi-view)

2- Structure from Motion

3 - Shape-from-Silhouette

4 - Photometric Stereo

5 - Learning-based

How can we evaluate 3D representations and compare different methods?

Are there good enough solutions?

Can I combine some techniques to improve the results for our use case?

Until now, what I have done is a 3D reconstruction using uncalibrated stereo, which is similar to Stereo-based techniques but with an additional step of “calibration” in the beginning:


In the previous meeting, I showed a promising algorithm for feature-matching, the LightGlue. My idea was to use this algorithm (or something similar) for the “Camera calibration”.

A small change in viewpoint: Results with SIFT:
